Sponges are animals of the phylum Porifera (pronounced /pɒˈrɪfərə/). Their bodies consist of jelly-like mesohyl sandwiched between two thin layers of cells. While all animals have unspecialized cells that can transform into specialized cells, sponges are unique in having some specialized cells that can transform into other types, often migrating between the main cell layers and the mesohyl in the process. Sponges do not have nervous, digestive or circulatory systems.
-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sponge
Image credit - http://www.natural-sea-sponge.com/
Recruiter, Salesman or Sponge?
Have you been contacted by all kinds of sales organizations looking for sales people? MLM marketing recruiters, Insurance Sales Recruiters? They get your phone and email from Monster, Careerbuilder or other similar job sites. The MLM marketers can be surprisingly persistent.
They contact you with this rehearsed, high pressure sales script, like you are going to actually fall for their line. If it's such a wonderful job, why are they employing high pressure sales tactics? Why aren't folks standing inline to get these jobs?
I have new term for these types of recruiters: Recruitards.
Recruitard: High pressure recruiter/sales that have no clue as to your real value. Like the sponge, recruitards lack un-specialized cells (that do transform into specialized cells) and recruitards do not have nervous, digestive or circulatory systems. Similar to a Marketard.
Image credit - http://meanmommyuniversity.blogspot.com/
Flavor of the MonthHere is a typical letter from a recruitard.
Interview Confirmation Needed |
Dear Trish Sutter,
We are expanding in Michigan, and we are seeking candidates to fill our Account Executive position. I would like to invite you to an interview in our Michigan Office on Tuesday, October 27th at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Please reply back with your name, interview time and contact number to confirm your interview. The purpose of the interview will be to discuss the specific details of the position including compensation.
We are a member of the Independence Holding Group (NYSE:IHC). A $1.3 Billion dollar publicly traded company. Please review our website at www.independenceholding.com
Please arrive 15 minutes early and dress in Professional Attire.
Below are the directions and the address for the interview.
I look forward to meeting you in person to further discuss this career opportunity.
Michigan RegionalOffice:
2000 Town CenterSuite 1900
Southfield, MI 48075
Thank you,
Dan Conrado
Regional Sales Leader
The flavor of the month seems to be Insurance Sales. And don't you just love when they presume to set-up an "Interview" for you? .
Here you are a professional. Be it Sales, Computers, Health Care, Accounting, whatever your profession may be.... As a professional, you have sacrificed for your education in your chosen field. You have years of experience. You are a consummate professional. You are searching out every avenue for your next position and seriously into it and then you get a letter like the one above. Oh my, what a joke. These recruitards, really are sponges. And they are a big insult to real professional recruiters and marketing professionals.
Serious Thought
I have given this recruitard problem some serious thought. And have concluded that we need a national non-recruitards list, like we have for those pesty telephone marketers. You know, so we go online and register your contact information and recruitards would be prohibited from contacting you? Recruitards would have to check the list before they can contact you otherwise, they get slapped with a $500 fine.
Recruitard Awards
We can have fun and create a solution much like the infamous Darwin awards. Yes, you guessed, Recruitard awards. Award categories for
- the company that doesn't match your skills to the job,
- the individual recruiter who doesn't match your skills to the job,
- the most inaccurate job description,
- the most insulting recruiting letter,
- the MLM company with the most spam,
- the worst recruiting website!
How Great Would it Be
How great would it be to reply to the next recruitard with something like this?
Congratulations Lisa,
You and your company have been given the honor of
The Recruitard Award for Individual Recruiter
and your website has also won
The Recruitard Award for Websites!
National Recruitard Awards
Armada Business Consulting, Inc.
Armada Business Consulting, Inc specializes in excellence in execution for Technical Project Management and LEAN implementations. For more information contact Trish at trish_sutter@yahoo.com.